Resilience for Mission-Driven

Resilience for
Mission-Driven Organizations

Evidence based programs that protect your most valuable asset: your people.

Evidence based programs that protect your most valuable asset: your people.

Fight the Symptoms
Not Your People

Fight the Symptoms
Not Your People

Increased Productivity

Boost team performance and efficiency.

Reduced Absenteeism

Lower rates of burnout and stress-related leave.

Improved Well-Being

Enhance employee health and resilience.

Sustainable Impact

Ensure long-term success and mission achievement.

Easy to Apply, Immediate Impact

Available As Needed

Available As Needed

Group Webinars

Interactive sessions designed to equip your entire team with resilience-building strategies.

In-house Professional Development Events

On-site training to address your organization's unique challenges and foster a resilient workforce. 

Individual Coaching

Individual coaching designed to offer encouragement, support and professional development.

Building Resilience For Impact


For Impact

Targeted Solutions

Our approach combines assessments, and supportive coaching to develop strategies and solutions with participants to specific problems faced in the context of your organization.

Professional Development 

It is a fine line between greatness and burnout.
We reveal the stressors that holds your people back and leads to burnout and disengagement.

Tracking Progress and Impact

Participants will develop an Action Plan with the support of our experienced coaches. We'll then stay on top of progress, checking in with participants and reassessing their progress.

An Experienced Team.

A New Company.

Experienced Team.

A New Company.

50+ Years of Experience

We've led teams of counsellors and coaches including building the Professional Services practice at a leading employee assistance provider serving Fortune 500 clients. 

40,000 Hours

Malcolm Gladwell said you need 10,000 hours to achieve mastery. We've done that 4x over.

13,000+ Satisfied Clients

Even great leaders seek out someone to talk to. We've counselled and worked with people you know; we just can't tell you who they are.

© Stature Leadership Innovations Inc, 2024