Your Leaders Unified to Become Transformational.

Your Leaders Unified to Become Transformational.

"Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people" - Steve Jobs

"Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people" - Steve Jobs

Reduce Friction. Enjoy Leading.

Reduce Friction.
Enjoy Leading.

Friction is the invisible force that slows change and poses risk to strategic initiatives. It is found everywhere in organizations, from complex processes that hurt sales to the human behaviors that arise from good intentions.

Our approach focuses on unifying leadership through a transformational system. We begin with our exclusive assessments that measure the consistency of behaviors related to Awareness, Influence, and Resilience (AIR). Compiling the results we produce a map of your leadership culture with a development plan to support change. Growth begins almost immediately through a coaching approach as leaders begin to see themselves and their opportunities with fresh eyes.

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Together we can transform your organization.

Together we can transform your organization.

A Sensible Approach For

Greater Impact.

A Sensible Approach

For Greater Impact.

The AIR Leadership™ system places leaders, and their context, first. For the first time leaders can actually see and track their leading. The AIR Leadership™ system magnifies the unique and positive dynamics of your organization. Promoting leadership innovation helps negative dynamics melt away.


Understanding yourself and others deeply and, when needed, changing the way you do things for the better.


Make a positive impact and lead without simply giving orders. It is about behaviors that inspire your peers.


That inner strength that helps you tackle challenges, learn from them, adapt and keep moving forward.

How We Guide You.

How We

Guide You.

"In God we trust. All others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming

  1. Assess

Participant and Supervisor complete assessments related to Awareness, Influence, and Resilience.

  1. Report & Debrief

Understanding the report covering the consistency of behaviors as reported by the participant and supervisor.

  1. Development Plan

Personalized Development Plan. Developed in collaboration with client needs and existing resources.

  1. Work with Leaders

Flexible approach with a combination of 1:1 and group sessions dependent on content and participants.

  1. Repeat

Continuous improvement process driven through repeated use of assessments.

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Transformational Toolkit.



Our AIR Leadership quality methodology assesses and enhances resilience, engagement, and productivity, transforming managers into transformational leaders.

Behavioral Assessments

Stature's innovative Behavioral Assessments build an understanding of leaders, organizational culture and blind spots to work on.

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Leadership Development

We work with your leaders, applying our experience, data, and development methodology to transform your team.

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Group Workshops

We host group workshops and webinars on a variety of topics including Resilience for High Performers. Our practice is founded on the experiences gained while at a leading Employee Assistance Provider serving corporate clients.

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To Enjoy Leading™

To Enjoy Leading™

Successful leadership is bigger than one person. It exists in the context of the organization, the leader, and the followers. Unfortunately stretched by short-term objectives, greater accountabilities, and expanding teams leaders at all levels are feeling the pressure.

At Stature, our mission is to help leaders enjoy leading. Our founders have supported over 13,000 professionals and discovered that leaders who exhibit greater Awareness, Influence, and Resilience (AIR) navigate the challenges of leadership the most smoothly. We work with your organization to increase the supply of AIR.

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An Experienced Team.

A New Company.

Experienced Team.

A New Company.

50+ Years of Experience

We've led teams of counsellors and coaches including building the Professional Services practice at a leading employee assistance provider serving Fortune 500 clients. 

40,000 Hours

Malcolm Gladwell said you need 10,000 hours to achieve mastery. We've done that 4x over.

13,000+ Satisfied Clients

Even great leaders seek out someone to talk to. We've counselled and worked with people you know; we just can't tell you who they are.

© Stature Leadership Innovations Inc, 2024